List of Resources for Matchers:
Sonoma Fire Info
Food Bank
Clothes, Household
Job Fairs
Disaster Relief
Mental Health
Legal and Insurance
Computers & Phones
Air Filters
Cars and Transportation
I am listing resources that can help you find both temporary housing and long-term housing:
Sonoma County Housing Resources:
Northern California Fire Resources has a list of rentals available:
If you need temporary housing call 707-765-8488 or email
For those looking for rentals please email and say you want the list of apartments in the email. They will send you the full list of available units.
Over 700 people have opened their rental homes for free to fire survivors:
Back to TopThere is a local rental agency in Sonoma County that is offering free and low-cost rentals for evacuees in Benicia and Vacaville. Please email the following information: 1)Names(s), 2)phone number, 3)email address, 4)desired location, 5)# of people, 6)# of pets, 7)were you renting or did you own?, 8)did you lose your home or are you evacuated/waiting to hear? 9)are you looking for long term or short term? You can also call (925) 239-9453.
HomeAway Disaster Relief Temporary Housing: HomeAway is facilitating the provision of free or discounted properties to those displaced by the fires. (888) 336-7713
Mighway Emergency RV Accommodation: Mighway is connecting RV owners willing to lend their vehicles with people who have been displaced and need emergency accommodation. (844) 462-9510
Sonoma County Lodging Association List of Properties Open to Evacuees: The Sonoma County Lodging Association (SCLA) has compiled a list of hotels that are open and have availability for evacuees and fire personnel. The list is maintained here: (707) 234-7817 or
Find a Rental: This website has been set up by Bay Area technology partners to help local disaster victims find rental housing. It shows short term rentals available through Airbnb, longer term rentals available through Zillow, and landlords who have offered their homes through the City of Santa Rosa. The map is maintained here:
Residential Care Facilities: The California Department of Social Services is providing a list of licensed facilities with beds for those displaced by the fires. The also has a list for known relocations of residents that were displaced by the fires. Both lists are updated daily.
A Google Spreadsheet with available temporary/long term housing options:–V6HLQZBSQSSenfqdoUnsiOI/edit#gid=0
Cal Fresh Disaster Aid
In response to the recent fire devastation the government is providing disaster relief by temporarily activating food assistance programs for those affected by the fires.
From October 14 through November 15, 2017, current CalFresh recipients can buy hot foods and hot food products with their benefits.
Students from households participating in CalFresh will receive free lunch for the rest of the 2017-2018 school year through the National School Lunch Program.
Disaster-CalFresh has been implemented as a way to meet the temporary nutritional needs of disaster victims. A family of five can get up to $760 for food purchases at supermarkets and farmers markets.
Receiving SSI benefits does not disqualify you from D-CalFresh eligibility
Immigration status is not taken into account for D-CalFresh eligibility
The window to apply to D-CalFresh is only 8 days starting on Wednesday, October 25.
Sonoma County Meal is delivering and serving home cooked meals to anyone who need one. THey are at the Vets building. Meals are ready from 4-7 in to go containers.
Free prepared hot food 12-2pm everyday through October at Sonoma Springs Community Hall 18627 Sonoma Hwy in Boyes Hot Springs.
Redwood Empire Food Bank has a huge amount of food available for free. They are located at 3990 Brickway Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403 and are open from 8-6. If you do not have transportation, we can find you a ride.
If you live in Sonoma, Lake County or Mendocino reach out to the Food Connections office at (707) 523-7903 and we will connect you to a food distribution in your neighborhood.
For Napa: Community Action Napa Valley (CANV), which is providing food to fire victims in Napa county.
The Celiac Foundation is providing food for evacuees:
Cal Fresh has a disaster food program where you can receive an EBT card for purchasing food at any grocery store. Contact CalFresh (877) 699-6868
Back to TopThere are many restaurants offering free meals to people affected by the fire and you can find a list of them on this page:
Clothes, Household, Items, Etc.
Anything you might need you can find at Community Fire Response 210 Classic Park Suite 190 Rohnert Park. The hours are officially 10 to 4, but they are flexible and will be open until 7:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. starting today.
They have 14,000 square feet of free resources and are essentially like a free Costco.
You can contact Jenn at or 530-545-1353.
The Healdsburg Free Store is another resource. They plan to stay open through the end of the month. The Healdsburg Free Store is located at 190 Foss Creek Circle, Unit K. It is open from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily.
The Children’s Museum of Sonoma County is distributing much-needed supplies for young families who have been affected by the fires: diapers, baby wipes, nursing supplies, formula, baby food, baby carriers, baby strollers, children’s books, games for kids, art supplies, lunch boxes, Halloween costumes (available October 26). If you are in need of any donated items, please come to the Front Desk between 9:30 and 4pm daily. Team members or volunteers will be on hand to assist you. 1835 W. Steele Lane, Santa Rosa.
Crossing the Jordan Fire Victim Vouchers are currently being distributed at evacuation centers. These vouchers give you access to donated items. There is no expiration date on these vouchers, so you can use them after you get settled or now. Also, you can pick up vouchers at 2 West 3rd St, Santa Rosa. Proof of address and ID required. Vouchers valid for use ONLY at the following store locations: 3403 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa and 6593 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park.
Employment Opportunities
Oliver’s Market is hiring:
La Tortilla Factory is hiring
Amy’s Kitchen is hiring:
NY Pie is hiring:
Whole Foods is hiring:
Lowes in Cotati is hiring:[{%22key%22:%22campaign%22,%22value%22:%22Cotati%2C%20CA%22}]
Home Depot is hiring:
Epicenter hiring:
Optio Solutions in Petaluma is hiring:
First Security Services is hiring:
Check Center is hiring:
Mary’s Pizza Shack is hiring:
Lazzini’s Market is hiring:
O’Reilly Auto Parts is hiring:
Kohl’s in Petaluma is hiring:,California,United%20States
JC Penney has 26 jobs open:
Target is hiring:
Toys R Us are hiring:
Starbucks is always hiring:
Artisan Bakers in Sonoma is hiring:
The Growbiz is hiring:
Healdsburg Lumber is hiring:
Mendocino Redwood is hiring:
Brew is hiring:
Taylor Maid is hiring:
Language Truck is hiring After School Spanish Teachers and Assistants:
Petaluma City Schools has many classified positions open and are having a Career Fair November 4th from 9AM-1PM.
Liberty Valley Doors is hiring:
Graton Casino is having a job fair on Saturday Oct 21
Press Democrat is hosting a job fair on Wednesday October 25 4-7pm at the Doubletree Hotel in Rohnert Park
Graton Casino is hosting the Rebuild Sonoma County Job Fair on Nov 1:
1:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Graton Resort & Casino Ballroom
288 Golf Course Drive, West
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Disaster Relief:
Local Assistance Center (LAC)
You should also go to the FEMA/Sonoma county Local Assistance Center open 9:00-6:00 at 427 Mendocino Ave. They have many state and federal agencies there that can help you get assistance.
When: 9:00 AM-7:00 daily, last entry by 6:00 PM
Open daily from October 14-October 22
Please note: hours and days of operation may change based upon need for services
Where: Press Democrat, Downtown Santa Rosa
427 Mendocino Avenue, between Ross and 5th Streets
Home insurance or renters insurance, if you have it, will cover your loss of food.
FEMA will help if you lost power for 4+ days.
You can apply for a refund from the PG&E Safety Net Program for long outages:
disaster unemployment benefits
The United Way seeks to assist those facing hardship by providing direct monetary aid to families and individuals who have suffered loss as a result of the fires.
Relief will be disbursed in the form of cash grants after family and individual relief assistance applications are reviewed and approved by a volunteer committee. Families/individuals determined by the volunteer review committee to have the greatest need will be given highest priority in the application review process. Relief grants are intended to meet immediate needs such as: clothing, shelter, transportation, food, and home cleanup/repair. Grants will be given to applicants based on available relief funds.
Any resident of Sonoma County who as a result of the 2017 wildfires was:
- Displaced from his/her home
- Has suffered a loss to his/her home
- Has suffered a financial hardship because of the fire (i.e. loss of income/employment, vehicle, etc.)
Applications are available in English and Spanish below or at United Way’s office located at 975 Corporate Center Pkwy., Ste. 160, Santa Rosa.
The SRJC Fire Relief Fund is also providing grants for students, faculty, and staff who’ve lost their homes during the fires. Students apply Faculty and Staff apply
SRJC services also include, free food, free massages, fire recovery support groups and a Free Store at the Student Resource Center featuring clothing, school supplies, non-perishable food, toiletries, and other household items. Lots of high quality items. Everyone welcome. October 23 – October 27, M, T, Th, F: 8AM – 4:30PM, Wednesday: 8AM – 7PM
If you are a or know a senior in need of assistance, please contact for support. He will help in anyway he can and has access to resources for senior citizens.
Here are free counseling options right now:
Lomi Clinic
Lomi Center in Santa Rosa is offering free counseling:
534 B Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Telephone: 707/579-0465
Fax: 707.579.0560
St. Joseph Health Services – grief counseling
Summitview Child & Family Services is offering free of charge over the phone crisis counseling for any victims of the Northern California fires. Please call 530-644-2412 x209 and leave a message if you are in need and in order to be connected with a therapist. Calls will be returned as soon as possible. This volunteered service will be available over the course of the next week and will offer telephone contact to anyone needing support and resources.
Sonoma Marin Fairgrounds Medical Center, Elsie Allen High School – Free Mental Health Clinicians on duty
Bridge Church 301 Fulton rd on corner of Occidental. Contact is Jana Contreras.
Santa Rosa Junior College will be open for all SRJC students who need to talk – our Student Psychological Services department will be on campus Mon-Fri even though the rest of the campus is closed.
Disaster Distress Hotline
Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.
The Disaster Distress Helpline is open 24/7, 365-days-a-year for counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural disasters. Call 1-800-985-5990 toll-free, or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for multi-lingual, confidential crisis support.
(Spanish translation below)
El estrés, la ansiedad y otros síntomas parecidos a la depresión son reacciones comunes después de un desastre.
La Línea de ayuda para la angustia en tiempos de desastre está abierta 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana, todos los días del año y ofrece apoyo y consejería para las personas afligidas debido a un desastre natural. Llame gratis al
1-800-985-5990 o mande un texto TalkWithUs al 66746 para recibir apoyo confidencial y multilingüe.
This is important for all of us to remember for the coming months and years!
Nancy Haugen, PhD specializes in ‘Disaster Mental Health’ created some ‘Cliff’s Notes’ to keep in mind so that we can all be empowered to support mental health for those in pain.
Disaster Mental Health
1. Whereas in the Emergency Room there is the Golden Hour (time to get to the ER when there has been a trauma), in Disaster Mental Health there is the Golden Month. There are 30 days from the point of the disaster, to make a major difference. Any intervention, support, kindness that can happen during those 30 days will change the long-term outcome. It is significant.
2. Given how the brain shuts down in a disaster, victims are not able to process words very well. They WILL track on tone of your voice and your body posture.
3. Don’t problem solve, most important task is to just LISTEN.
4. Sharing where resources are is important – if possible, give a written form of the list so that they can refer to it later. They won’t remember much if you just tell them.
5. Asking open ended questions (How can I help?) are not helpful because it asks too much of the victim’s brain to figure that out. Present two choices with yes or no answer (May I drop off food Friday or Saturday?)
6. After the fires are contained, and the media leaves (referred to as the Honeymoon period – “we’re going to make it! We’re going to stick together!), most victims experience depression. The research indicates that the depression will last for a while, so keep in mind that ongoing supportive gestures, any intervention, support, kindness, is still needed. After the depression period lifts (can be as long as a couple years), people most often report that they feel that they have a new life.
Memorial Hospital is on treat and transfer. If anyone has an emergency then come here. We will treat and discharge or treat and transfer but no admits at this time. If you can delay care then travel to Novato or elsewhere for care or go to clinics or urgent cares. There are talks of Sutter opening in a few days but nothing is for sure. Pass it on.
Sutter Hospital is now open. For more info:
With the ongoing devastating fire, the Santa Rosa Kaiser Permanent hospital, Emergency Department, operating rooms and medical office buildings in Santa Rosa continue to be closed.
Santa Rosa MOB 1 and 2 will be open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for urgent walk-in, Family Medicine and Pediatrics. We plan to expand services on Monday, October 20th.
The main pharmacy in MOB 1 is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Members and employees flu shot clinic will be open in MOB 2 lobby 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The hospital and emergency department remain closed until further notice.
Rohnert Park Medical Offices will be open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for urgent walk-ins and appointments. Pharmacy hours are 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Members and employees flu shot clinic will be open in Rohnert Park 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Mental Health and Wellness Center on Mercury Way is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
MOB 4 and 5 located on Old Redwood Hwy. continue to be closed. Kaiser Permanente offices on Round Barn Blvd. also remain closed.
As a reminder, all staff should contact their manager on a daily basis regarding their ability to work.
If you have pharmacy needs or questions, please call 888-218-6245 for assistance.
The Brickhut (November 4th)
Our friends from the Bay Area LEGO Users Group (BAYLUG)
are coming to help! They are bringing up Lots of NEW LEGO sets and we will be giving them away to kids that lost there homes in the Santa Rosa fires. We will have over 100 LEGO sets to give away! Please help us find these kids and bring them to this event!
We will also have FREE snacks/drinks, activities & lots of fun.
Everyone is invited and we will have other give aways, but these sets NEED to go to the kids that lost everything!
Westminster Woods
Childcare Google Spreadsheet:
Spring Hills
If you want to help fire victims you can help by watching with their kids while they go back to work with no where for their kids to go. We have over 100 kids registered for free childcare on our campus and we need more volunteers tomorrow through the rest of the week.
You have the opportunity to give to those who have lost everything. Let’s make a difference together.
Register to help
Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds Evacuation Kid Zone
Johnson Family Daycare
I know so many families have lost their homes and have to return to work on Monday.
Hi, my name is Amy and I am a mom to a 13 year old son and I have recently opened my new in home daycare here in Windsor.
I have available spots. Full-time or part-time space available.
I’m open Monday – Friday 7am-5:30pm
I am CPR certified and My License # is 493009436
I would love to meet you & your family.
Please contact me:
Text: 707-494-0977
facebook: Johnson family daycare@amysfunplace
Fun place in Rohnert Park:
Children’s Museum
Sonoma Humane Society
We are open at both locations! We’ve got pet food, supplies, toys, bowls, crates, and more for anyone who needs it! Supplies can be picked up at our Santa Rosa location at 5345 Hwy 12 W, Santa Rosa from 10am – 5pm daily, or our Healdsburg location at 555 Westside Rd, Healdsburg from 11am-5:30pm.
Western Farms
Crates and Food
Reptile Rescue
Birds of a Feather
Doggy Barber
To all those affected by the fires that have devastated our community, we at Doggy Barber would like to show our support. For the week Monday 10/16/17 – Saturday 10/21/2017 we are offering FREE BATHS for all Sonoma County residents (dogs) who have been affected by these fires. We will do our best to help remove the smell of smoke from your pets fur in effort to reduce their stress.
Information for Undocumented Survivors:
Please connect with for assistance. Also the North Bay Organizing Project and Graton Day Labor Center are resources for these families. Please let us know if you require further assistance.
Legal Advice:
Legal Aid of Sonoma County
They have a special housing team and have geared up to help with any disaster related issues.
Urgent Matters – 707-542-1290.
Elder Outreach Team – 707-340-5610.
Non-Urgent Housing Matters – 707-843-4432.
Bay Area Legal Aid has a legal advice line for people affected by the fire. Services are free to those who qualify and interpreters are provided if needed.
The Disaster Relief Line is: 800-551-5554. The message callers will hear is as follows: “Thank you for calling Bay Area Legal Aid’s Legal Advice Line. If you have been affected by the Northern California fires, please press 7 now.” Callers may get help in the following areas: 1) Connect clients with local resources. 2) Advise on emergency CalFresh and Medi-Cal. 3) Advise and represent on medical debt incurred for out of network ER visits and other health coverage issues. 4) Connect clients with statewide pro bono assistance. 5) Advise on FEMA claims process. 6) Housing resources.
Public Insurance Adjusters:
Debris Removal Program Puts Rebuilding Insurance Funds At Risk!
Bob Ellenberg, a public adjuster based in Lake County and an expert on the subject of how insurance coverages apply, will be holding workshops to clearly explain this.
Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28
10 AM, 1 PM and 3PM (6 workshops in total).
Alexander Room at the Flamingo Resort and Spa
2777 Fourth St. in Santa Rosa.
For more information call Karen’s cell at (505) 412-1893.
Bob will have policies and copies of the Right of Entry permit in a Power Point presentation to help people understand the issues. There will be no presentation or discussion of business at these workshops as they will strictly be for informing people of how insurance policies pay for debris removal.
Bob is hopeful there will be a large enough ground-swell of resistance to get the Right of Entry Permit language changed so that it agrees with the publicly stated goals and give ironclad protection of rebuilding funds.
More details here:
Bob Ellenberg’s website:
Computers and Phones:
Drive Savers
Free data recovery for survivors
Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, they are working on replacing computers for students
Computer Recycling Ctr on SR Ave. has cheap laptops for $75. #528-8340
Fusion Technology Solutions LLC
On behalf of the team at Fusion Technology Solutions we would like to send our condolences to all those affected by the Northern California Wildfires. We would like to extend a helping hand to those who have been touched by this disaster. We are donating our professional experince to help get your technology up and running.
FREE Disaster IT Assistance.
Some items that we will go over are:
Your backup situation and see what data you have for restoration.
The location of the data. How long will it take to get back.
What are your current computer needs.
Replacement Hardware. We can assist with getting orders placed for the right hardware so it is here at the right time.
Do you need to shift to remote operations? Need employees to work from home? We can help you make that transition and get your applications up and running in the cloud.
Setup and installation assistance.
Fusion Technology Solutions will be offering FREE Labor and Setup during these trying times. There is so much that goes into getting your home and business back to normal, we want to help make it easier for you. If you need assistance, please call us at 707-568-3382 or email
Air Problems:
If you, or someone you know, own a Subaru that is a 2007 or newer with less than 100,000 miles, Subaru will replace your cabin air filter, your engine air filter, and any keys lost in the fire. They will do this free of charge, you just have to make an appointment at your local Subaru dealership.
Cars and Transporation:
Turo Rental Cars is offering a disaster relief program. Evacuees who wish to participate in our program will first needs to sign up to become an approved driver on the Turo marketplace. Once this process is complete, they can reach out to us at One of our support specialists will then look to see if they can be paired with a car generously donated by our Turo community. Our fire relief program will continue through October 27, so we encourage survivors to reach out to us soon.
School House Distribution Center is accepting and distributing new (and to a limited extent, like-new) high quality household items including non-consumable pet needs, small appliances, laptops, kitchenware, clothing, towels and other bathroom items, school supplies, and gift cards to families reentering homes.
Please email with a list of items you have or need that fall within this category, and the time/day you’d like to come.
Donation/pick-up hours are generally noon to 2 pm, Monday – Saturday with flexibility.