Step One:
Create a favicon 16 pixels by 16 pixels in Adobe Photoshop. Choose “Save As” to save the file. Choose the format “ICO (WINDOWS Icon) in the format chooser. Name the file favicon.ico.
Step Two:
FTP the newly created favicon.ico to the image folder in your Genesis child theme. Do a hard refresh of your screen and you should see your new icon.
To set up Photoshop to save file in the .ico format you need to install a plugin. You can find the plug at the Telegraphics Website. Download the correct version for your version of Photoshop and then unzip the file. Place the plugin file into the Plugins folder in your Adobe Photoshop folder.
If you do not have Photoshop you can use other image editors to create your favicon in a .png format. There are online .ico converters, to convert your .png to a .ico.
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