After you have aligned your life goals with your business goals and written about it in The Story of Your Life, it is time to start writing your website content. Text Editors You can use a text …
Unlocking a locked Gravity Form
I recently had a problem where two Gravity Forms were locked on one of my client's sites. When I would try to edit the form, a popup would come up saying another user was using the form. I logged that …
WordPress Stats
Love these stats I found on the WPEngine blog. via - Having trouble viewing this? Click here. …
Expanding Your Horizons Conference
The Sonoma County Expanding Your Horizons Conference is coming up in one month on April 13, 2012. I attended this conference in 2009 and wrote this blog post about it. It is a marvelous event for your …
Spring Science and Math Break
Spring is in the air, the flowers are blooming and the children are out of school. This is a great opportunity to take an educational day trip. Living near San Francisco provides many opportunities to …
Motivating Young Women in Science + Mathematics
This weekend I attended the Expanding Your Horizons Conference. Expanding Your Horizons is a non-profit network that strives to nutures young women in the fields of math and science. Conferences are …
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