Now we are going to set up a Combo backup which is both a backup of your site files and the database. This backup you would use if you needed to restore the entire site. Chose "Add new Job" and name …
How to Set Up BackWPup Part One
After you have downloaded and activated the BackWPup plugin you will see a menu item called "BackWPup" in your dashboard menu. Choose "Add New Job" which is one of the sub-menu items under …
Tutorial for WordPress SEO
This is the data you need to enter for search engine optimization. The first row is titled Snippet Preview. This will be what you see in the search page. This will change as you enter data in the …
Git Tutorial
Git is a tool that is used to: keeping track of your files keeping track of changes in your files backup in case something breaks In order to work with Git you need to open terminal. Then …
How to Purchase a Domain Name and Set Up a Web Hosting Account
[header text="Instructions on How to purchase a domain name and set up a web hosting account."] A domain name is a unique url that will be your address on the internet. For example …
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